ReadiBand - sleep tracking from your wrist

ReadiBand is a wristwatch-like device which tracks wrist movements to estimate how you are sleeping:
Our scientifically proven system is highly accurate. A recent study showed that the ReadiBand™, coupled with our patented classification algorithms, assessed sleep virtually as well as sleep lab polysomnography (93% accurate).
Based on ReadiBand™ data, we provide a range of sleep statistics, such as sleep efficiency, sleep duration, and time to sleep onset. In addition, once the ReadiBand™ data are automatically processed through our patented and validated computer model, fatigue risk levels are calculated and displayed
The ReadiBand was recently used by the Vancouver Canucks in their NHL playoff run. In the video about the Canucks, they also mention wearing the device 24x7 and measuring the impact of sleep on reaction time.
I'm trying out a fitbit now. I wonder how ReadiBand compares?