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Entries in eMemory (1)

Jul252013 regaing ownership of the data of your life from all those social sites

Julian Ranger, the founder and CEO of SocialSafe asks: Shouldn't you be the SINGLE BIGGEST OWNER of your ownline data?

SocialSafe* allows people to create a single, private library of their social media network site data. (See Robert Scoble's interview of Julian and me

SocialSafe is the key for the lifelog aka MyLifeBits aka Memex post 2008 when the log of everything in your life moved from your computer to on line systems such as Facebook, Linked In, MySpace Twitter, Yammer, and the ever increasing number of social sites.  The birth and use of all the social sites that holds our photos, observations, diaries, and communication with others can raise a fear in our hearts. For one thing is it permanent i.e. will it be there FOREVER? More importantly, as the amount of data increase--Where is the photo?  Who said what? When? Or in general just refindinng information of long ago. Sometimes we just want to collect information together for a scrapbook or whatever.

So what does do?  It is a program that runs on your personal computer that goes out and fetches data at a schedule you specify and brings all that stuff (blogs, posts, tweets, photos, likes, whatevers) to your hard drive.  Thus as long as your are capable of maintaining these data, you have permancency especially in light of changes of social networking company policies, change of company ownership, or the disappearnce of the company.

*So SocialSafe is a program that runs on a person's own, personal computer that continuously collects and aggregates all your social site data together in one place--your very own hard drive, just like Jim Gemmell and I built with MyLifeBits. No one but you can access or use the collected data!