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What would you save if your house was on fire?

(CNN) -- From baby deliveries to unexpected deaths, Mike Bowes, a 911 dispatcher from Quincy, Massachusetts, has handled a wide range of emergency calls.

But Monday night, the 44-year-old received an unexpected call from his neighbor: His own house was on fire.


In another coincidence, one of the first firefighters to arrive on scene was Mike Bowes' cousin, Tom Bowes.

Tom Bowes, a firefighter for the past eight years, scrambled into the house to salvage old albums with wedding and baby photos amid the flames.

But everything else -- the clothes, electronics and furniture -- were destroyed.

full story

Those of us without firefighter cousins need e-memories, with off-site backups.

Reader Comments (2)

This is something I remember my Bible teacher asking my class in 8th grade:

If your house was on fire and you were able to save one thing, only one, what would it be?

I want to see what people come up with before I say my answer (which I stole from him)
So what's most important to you??

October 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwii accessories

I'm always searching for recent articles in the internet about this matter. Thankz.

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterannostusa

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