Zeo: A Personal Sleep Coach

Zeo is a product to capture a person's sleep characteristics as measured by depth e.g. light to deep, REM sleep times by wearing a sensor headband that transmits one's sleep state to a nearby bedside monitor. The bedside unit capture data over a long time period and is the basis for a "Seven Step SleepFitnessProgram" to improve the quality of sleep. The Zeo Bedside Display "uses algorithms and artificial intelligence software programs to track electrical activity in the brain to determine your sleep phases throughout the night. This includes length and depth of your sleep, awakenings, and a measure of a single night of sleep, called ZQ, which Zeo has created to help educate you about your Sleep Fitness." Zeo's optional "Smart Wake(TM)" can also wake you at the "best" time.
For anyone usingf pedometers, exercise heart rate monitors, or any other health fitness devices including BodyBugg, this product looks to provide significant health benefit! In terms of recording your entire life knowing something about your sleep says a lot about the rest of your life.

Reader Comments (2)
This really interesting. Many years ago I recorded heart rate and physical movement with an accelerometer when asleep for several nights. Data would indicate high heart rate but no physical movements. In my case were caused by nightmares.
I'm shoked! I see in google.com