The Quantified Self

The Quantified Self is a group engaged in activities that are more or less defined by its name. The activities include Show and Tell Meetings, blogs and discussions of apps for quantifying self by tracking goals, measuring office productivity or what your eat, etc.. I see the site and activities as being completely aligned with Total Recall. The QS implies capturing and recording everything, but it goes beyond what Gemmell and I describe, by using the data for conducting experiments and for control. For example, one QS experiment was about the effects of her caffeine consumption on productivity--data coming right from tools we advocate in Total Recal. So we got it right-- recording everything aka self quantification is the first step for understaning, for control and eventual improvement.
Reader Comments (1)
Self quantification used to improve behaviour seems to me to be the killer app for lifelogging. I'm currently using it to track a fitness regimen, and will look for correlations between behaviour and objective and subjective results. I'm finding that the ability to make my practices public (or open to some trusted eyes) is a big motivator to follow through with my commitments.